There are good guys and bad guys in the minds of hypocrites.
One and one does not equal two for the bad guys.The problem is, the bad guys are vulnerable victims of the hypocrites.
The victims are more apt to be better than the hypocrites, not worse.Christ's crucifixion demonstrated that the bad guys are powerless and vulnerable persons,
even when they include God, while he heals the sick, raises the dead and feeds the hungry.It is only hypocrisy that makes sin possible. Hypocrisy is living by two standards.
Sin requires two standards.Hypocrisy is creating a different standard for enemies than for friends.
Realities get twisted one way for enemies, and a different way for friends.If a person were truly objective, the standard and realities would always be the same for everyone.
But sin destroys a person's relationship to objective reality, because
It was for this reason that Christ said persons who live by sin hate the light of truth.
Truth exposes their deeds as evil. So they prefer darkness of nihilism. (John 3:19-20)Where does truth come from? From the victims who complain about the injustices.
So the victims become enemies of perpetrators of sin. And the victims are powerless and vulnerable persons, because sin falls first and foremost onto vulnerable persons.All of these forces develop in minds as subconscious reactions which function on a stimulus-response basis.
Repeated patterns, or habits, always do create conditioned reactions in subconscious minds.There are also positive and negative reinforcements with corruption.
They cause corrupted minds to be divided into two parts: a positive side for all that is favorable, and a negative side for all that is undesirable.So the real force behind hypocrisy is the division of minds into two parts, which is caused by corruption.
Awareness does not encompass the whole of both parts at the same time. The corruption would end if it entered awareness.So corrupted persons do not realize that they have two different sets of realities for different persons or situations.
They assume that their two ways of looking at things are objective.Corruption is quantitative.
It always has the same characteristics, but the degree of development varies.Christ taught how to overcome the subconscious forces of corruption by living in a justifiable manner.
It includes such things as treating enemies by the same standards as friends (Mat 5:44) and being effect rather than cause (turning the other cheek) (Mat 5:38-42).But corrupted persons assume he was speaking nonsense, because they don't see the logic of morality.
It looks self-defeating to them. It sort of is, because it defeats the corruption in one's own mind.
It takes a degree of moral awareness to know that what Christ was talking about was not how to be successful in material life but how to overcome sin.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------